Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Picture a Month Would be Nice Huh???

Well, I chose to have the office/schoolroom renovated before the baby arrives. Therefore, I have brought all of the disorganization and chaos on myself! I have no idea where most things are upstairs. I have my camera and photos, but my main computer is not hooked up and I do everything from there. My new laptop has Vista and not XP, so everything is so different! We just returned from 10 days at the beach and now the countdown is on for baby time! Please let me nest and get caught up and I will be back before you know it. Besides, Nicole is taking pictures for us when the baby is born and I know she'll share! I miss all of you guys and look forward to catching up on all of your blogs very soon. I will have to check your archives since it's been so long. Feel free (and please) e-mail me privately. I'd love to chat and catch up with each of you!

1 comment:

Shona Cole said...

You have a very well deserved excuse to not be posting right now. You have to keep you, baby and home healthy and sane! Can't wait to see your baby in Oct and the wonderful shots Nicole will take.